Professional therapy can guide you in jettisoning emotional baggage like stress, depression and anger, all of which can cause or at least exacerbate synapse xt. If a good dog is one who is tired, then a similar strategy may also work for someone with synapse xt. You may also suffer from stress, anxiety, fatigue and have trouble sleeping due to the constant noise or you may sleep only to be woken up by these phantom noises in your ears. Don't fight it, just allow your mind to drift onto other thoughts.
It may bring extra hurdles that you have to overcome, but it is possible to walk a smooth path. I can't tell you the number of times that synapse xt would actually wake me up in the middle of the night. Usually it is brought on by exposure to a loud noise or an infection such as a severe head cold. But, here's the catch; to what degree are you actually prepared to take your passion?